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Buy Cannabis Seeds In Ohio

Are you an Ohioan who wants to grow their own?  Buying cannabis seeds and starting a home growing setup can be a super fun new hobby, and it can help you save money on flower, to say the least.  Now, when it comes to growing marijuana, there are limitations according to state law.  But, what about growing hemp at home?  Today, we’ll be talking all about that, while helping you find the absolute best hemp seeds that exist today.


What are Cannabis Seeds?

Cannabis seeds refer to the seeds of the cannabis plant, which can be used to grow one’s own cannabis plants at home.  More people are jumping into home cultivation due to changing laws that allow enthusiasts to do so, combined with an expanding market that makes it easy to purchase seeds from top-quality vendors.

Just like we see with weed, cannabis seeds are available in basically any strain you could ask for, and you can buy different quantities based on what kind of home-growing setup you have.  

Are Cannabis Seeds Legal Under Federal and State Law?

Before talking about whether or not those in the North Star State can legally buy cannabis seeds, let’s see what federal law has to say.  Under federal law, cannabis seeds are only legal if they’re hemp-derived, as marijuana remains a federally illegal substance.  Cannabis seeds from the hemp plant comply with the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized all hemp-derived products, as long as they are shown through third-party lab-testing to contain a maximum of 0.3% delta 9 THC.  So, hemp-derived cannabis seeds are legal both in the U.S. and in Ohio, because the state does allow sales of hemp products.

What about buying marijuana seeds in Ohio?  Recreational weed is legal in the state for those 21 or older, and each adult may legally grow up to 6 plants, with a limit of 12 plants per household.  Keep in mind that with hemp seeds, you can grow as many plants as you’d like.

Where Can You Buy Cannabis Seeds in Ohio?

Now, let’s get back to cannabis seeds, which from this point on will refer to hemp seeds sold to grow industrial hemp at home.  So, where can Ohions not only buy cannabis seeds, but buy the very best cannabis seeds?  You may come across a few different kinds of retailers that carry seeds for hemp cultivation, and as you’re about to learn, some of them are more worth your time and trust than others.  In fact, some of them you should stay away from completely.

Online Cannabis Seed Retailers

It’s always ideal to stick to a company that exclusively specializes in cannabis.  Online cannabis seed retailers have dedicated the entirety of their business to specializing in just hemp products, and so they have to really make sure that they’re carrying the best of the best in order to stay in the game, so to speak.  This is a lot better than buying locally, where you don’t know the reputation of the company, and are likely to be let down by the variety that’s available.

At STRNG Seeds, count on our seeds being the real deal.  We’re ready to ship our seeds to every city and town in Ohio, including Cincinnati, Columbus, Akron, Toledo, Dayton, Cleveland, and more.  Our seeds show up at your door in just a few days, as we’re known for our extremely fast shipping times.  Our shipping is free, and you’ll find that our prices are extremely affordable, so that anyone can grow cannabis regardless of their budget.

Our quality is unbeatable, as we carry only organic seeds from trusted local farms.  You can verify that yourself, since we make our third-party lab reports easily accessible.  Meanwhile, you can choose from some of the most in-demand cannabis strains on today’s market, while knowing that you’re getting a super-fresh product thanks to our high turnover rate.

Naturally, buying your seeds from STRNG Seeds also means shopping conveniently.  You don’t need to leave home to find the perfect seeds for your needs, as you can just place your order with us online and allow us to send it straight to your door.

Where Shouldn’t You Buy Your Cannabis Seeds from?

It’s harder to spot good-quality/legit cannabis seeds compared to flower, since seeds can all look alike, with few characteristics that make them visibly different from one another.  Because of this, we recommend only buying your seeds from a reputable online retailer, and avoiding any other type of retailer other than an actual cannabis farm.

What to Look for in Cannabis Seeds

You’ll notice that cannabis seeds don’t have as many defining characteristics as flower buds, and that can make it a lot harder to know how to choose the best ones by appearance alone.  Luckily, there are some pretty good ways to tell whether or not you’re getting the best options available.

  • Lab Reports: You should absolutely never buy any cannabis seeds, or actually any hemp product, without first exploring their third-party lab reports, which a company should make easy to find on their website.  These reports are provided by an unbiased, state-licensed lab that tests cannabis specifically, and tell you the purity level of the product, its safety, its compliance with the law, and other critical aspects.  Without these lab reports, it’s hard to know if what you’re getting is actually a high-quality and safe product – or even an authentic one.
  • A Fresh Product: Seeds can stay viable for up to a couple of years, give or take.  After that time, they expire, and that means that they won’t germinate, making them useless.  Choose a company that has a high product turnover rate – in other words, makes enough sales so that the seeds never sit on the shelves for long – to ensure you end up with seeds that can deliver exceptional plants.
  • A Desirable Strain: Of course, you’re going to want to be choosy with your strain.  Different brands and stores offer unique varieties of cultivars, and with so many strains out there on the market today, there’s no reason to settle for anything less than exactly what kind of cultivar you’re seeking out, both for its effects and its terpene profile’s flavor.  Not only that, but you’ll want to pick a strain that matches your experience level as well as your growing environment.
  • Organic Hemp: Finally, you always want to go with organic seeds.  This way, you’re not consuming pesticides and other environmental toxins into your body when you finally get to harvest your buds and enjoy them.

Why it’s Better to Buy Your Cannabis Seeds Online, Instead of In-Person

The bottom line is that buying your cannabis seeds from an online retailer is going to give you many more advantages than buying locally.  Online stores simply have more pressure to deliver in every way possible, benefiting you as a customer, while making your life a lot easier in the process.  Let’s elaborate.

Reason #1: It’s More Convenient

We already mentioned that it’s more convenient to buy online.  Buying seeds from an online source means that you shop for tons of strains from the comfort of home, and it also means that you don’t have to take time out of your day hunting down a store in your neighborhood that you hope carries this type of product.  All that you need to do is add to cart, checkout, and wait a few days for your new seeds to arrive to you.

Reason #2: You’re Likely to Save Money

By shopping for seeds online, you’re going to save some money.  For one thing, online stores have less overhead cost than brick-and-mortar stores, so online stores can charge less, while often offering free shipping as a nice bonus.  Plus, online stores are going to hold lots of sales and promotional offers on a regular basis, not to mention offering options to buy your seeds in bulk, and grab “bundles” – aka multiple seed packs sold in one bundle at a reduced price.

Reason #3: The Product is More Likely to Be Fresh

Online stores are likely to have a faster product turnover rate because they have a lot more visibility than a shop in your town.  What that means is that the seeds leaving the warehouse are much more likely to be completely fresh, so they’ll have the right germination rate.

Reason #4: The Selection is Likely to Be Bigger

Because online retailers typically own or rent warehouses for their inventory, they can carry a bigger selection of cannabis seeds than, say, that local shop that can only have a few products on the shelf at one time.  This way, you can choose from a wider variety of strains, types of seeds (autoflower, feminized, F1 hybrid, etc.), and different quantities.  

Reason #5: Quality Standards are Usually Much Higher

With the online hemp market being so competitive and so visible to consumers around the world, online companies have to work very hard to satisfy customers and keep them coming back.  As a result, online brands are just a lot more motivated to provide nothing but the absolute best cannabis seeds that exist.  This means assurance that you’re going to grow successfully. 

Reason #6: You Can Learn a Lot More About the Product and the Company

We also love the fact that by buying online, you can find out more about the product, and the various standards and practices of the brand you’re buying from.  It’s always helpful to find out the specific genetics of the seeds and other relevant details that can really tell you a lot about the quality of what you’re getting.

What Does the Future Hold for Cannabis Seeds in the Buckeye State?

As it turns out, the state of Ohio has no limits on how much industrial hemp you can grow, which means that you’re free to explore your new cultivation hobby without restrictions.  This is good news as there is a legal limit on growing marijuana at home.

With that being said, if you’re eager to get started cultivating beautiful, healthy hemp flowers, STRNG Seeds has you covered with top-of-the-line seeds that come in all kinds of standout strains, with various seed types and quantities to choose from, allowing you to be in full charge of your growing empire.